Patouch 2022 campaign

Prevention and awareness campaign









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The challenge

The solution

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We brought the message to life through a video capsule. The campaign was developed by Molk&Jordan and broadcasted on various platforms such as social networks and television channels.
We successed in reaching a large audience, thus strengthening the impact of the campaign. The video reached 268,000 views on YouTube, showing the effectiveness of the campaign to the public.

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Le challenge

La solution

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We brought the message to life through a video capsule. The campaign was developed by Molk&Jordan and broadcasted on various platforms such as social networks and television channels.
We successed in reaching a large audience, thus strengthening the impact of the campaign. The video reached 268,000 views on YouTube, showing the effectiveness of the campaign to the public.

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The result

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Research & creation


Animation & Art Direction
Alexandre Maye

Design & Art Direction
Molk & Jordan

Sound design & mixing
Nicolas Maurin

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Animai allowed us to bring to life the hidden face of the statistics of violence against minors. The campaign made it possible to move the lines

Bernard Jaquet
President of the association
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