Preventing excessive gaming

Prevention campaign - Online gambling


Promotion santé Valais







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The challenge

The solution

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The visuals were developed by the M&J agency and we took up the challenge by producing powerful animations that amplified the message of the campaign. The aim was to share the message in a short format, in two languages and was intended for online distribution.

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Le challenge

La solution

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The visuals were developed by the M&J agency and we took up the challenge by producing powerful animations that amplified the message of the campaign. The aim was to share the message in a short format, in two languages and was intended for online distribution.

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The result

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Research & creation


Animation & Art Direction
Alexandre Maye

Production & Design
Molk & Jordan

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Animai convinced us from our first collaboration by the care given to the details and the subtlety of the animations that make up the quality of its work.

Bastien Molk
Associate director
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